Specialty Systems


Combination units provide one solution for multiple problems saving you space and money. Our unique dual tank systems are engineered to tame the toughest water and offer you outstanding value for your dollar.

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Removes: Hardness, Taste and Odour

The HTO is ideal for homes and cottages using chlorine to pre-treat well water. In addition to homes using municipal water that have hardness, bad taste and odour caused by chlorine, chloramines or organic matter.

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Remove unpleasant tastes and odor caused by chlorine and organics while also softening your water with a mixed bed of carbon and cation exchange resin. Many ground water supplies often have multiple problems that are not only an issue from an aesthetic standpoint but in terms of cost when pipes become clogged, fixtures stained and laundry discolored.

HEDP Series

Removes: High Levels Of Water Hardness

On very hard water supplies, it’s common for single tank softeners not to be able to remove all of the hardness from the water. This means that even with a softener in your home, you may still have hard water scale accumulating in your water heater and pipes or on your faucets, dishes and water using appliances.

HIM Series

Removes: hardness, iron and manganese

Rid your water of hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) and enjoy soft skin, silky hair, spot free dishes and brighter laundry protecting your plumbing and water using appliances from scale build-up. Removing iron and manganese will keep fixtures from getting stained as well as removing the taste and smell.


Removes: hardness, iron, manganese, and tannins

Our most popular well and ground water system, the HIMTLC softens water while removing troublesome iron, manganese and tannins. Our unique dual tank design gives you the softening and filtering power of two systems in one space saving design. You’ll also pay less in equipment and installation costs.